
Visions of 2022

My mom bought this little corvette from a garage sale down the block recently. I knew Miles would LOVE it! But it seriously made me a bit nervous of what's to come in 13 years! Notice poor James' nervous look?

Yep, James got in right away while Miles was learning to drive...

...and got out quickly when he crashed into my car! He would have nothing more to do with riding with Miles! And I don't blame him, that little car left a mark!

But Miles eventually got the hang of it, and we found a slower gear.

Oh did I mention the radio? Yep, found myself yelling about keeping his eyes on the road and not playing with the stereo. Oh the visions!


  1. I love these little cars! Cole had a Jeep and a yellow Bug... of course now he has his go-kart! Just wait until he wants a faster one!!

  2. sweet ride!! just think...it might be a real one by the time he's 16!! you better put him through driver's training from the looks of it!!
