
A Whole Lotta Christmas Fun!

Miles set up this little tree in his room. He did a lot of other rearranging to prepare for Santa as well! AND he decorated his tree...
...all by himself! Very proud!

James and Grandma Mary. His baby, which he has named "Grandpa Paul baby," and Miles' guitar, which James has taken over.

Miles got these great blocks. He loves them, builds garages for his police trucks!

We got an amazing amount of snow over Christmas! The heavy wet stuff. So James and I made a snowman!

Unfortunately the snow was a little too wet and he fell over. So he became a little shorter!

Miles made some reindeer food in preschool, so he sprinkled it out back so they would know to stop here!

Milk and cookies for Santa.
A carrot for the reindeer (there was food outside so one would do).
And some truffles for Mrs. Claus!!!
After Santa arrived!
I informed the boys Santa wouldn't come until they were REALLY asleep. Miles decided he didn't want a bath, he just wanted to go to sleep!
The next morning he forgot all about Santa.
He came into our room to snuggle with his mama until I said, "Merry Christmas Miles." Then snuggling was over and he went down to see his presents. All was quiet until he got to the bottom of the stairs and peaked in the living room.
And back up the stairs he ran to wake his brother!
I think James was a little disappointed Santa ate all the cookies!
Oh and I here's a picture of the quilt I made my mom!
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!!!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you guys had a fun christmas with your boys!! super cute!
